Archive for Poogue

I’m Back from Hawaii

Just so you guys know, I got back at 6:56 a.m. I need sleep though. See ya!

Dusk of the Second Sun chapter 4 is now open as a rough draft. I think all of them will be rough drafts. Enjoy!

I added an extra sentence in Dusk of the Second Sun. It appears after the fight against the ShiWolfe, right after he summons the Aureus Virga.

It’s, I guess, pretty important.

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Dusk of the Second Sun Update

Dusk of the Second Sun Chapter 3 is now readable as a rough draft. Enjoy!

Comments (19)

Poogue Jim

Hi fellow poogue members!

I am in the process of writing a great story called Dawn of the Lizard Warrior. I will have it posted in a few minutes.

Here are some online game websites:,,, and

Comments (45)

Dusk of the Second Sun Update

Chapter 2 is now open as a rough draft. Enjoy!

If you have trouble finding the page, click here.

Comments (48)

Poogue Bob

Poogue Bob is in the heezee and I’m still a little bit confused on how this works, but I’ll figure it out. Poogue Bob out.

Comments (92)


1) You can take away the whole and still have some left. You can take away some and still have the whole left. What is it? (SOLVED)

2) A man is six feet tall, is a clerk at a butcher shop, and wears size 11 shoes. What does he weigh? (SOLVED)


3) What is the lowest trio of three consecutive odd composite numbers you can find?
(In other words, what three odd numbers in a row are not prime? For example, 3, 5, and 7 fits most of the requirements, except none of them are composite. All three numbers have to be composite.) (SOLVED)

4) Here’s something weird: According to high school essay standards, what is wrong (and will cause you to be marked off) with the following sentence?
He didn’t like the red cat.

5) What is the longest common word you can find that only uses one vowel? (The BEST answer is NOT strengths!)

6) What is the shortest word you can find that uses all of the vowels in alphabetical order (a, e, i, o, u)? (SOLVED)

7) In a mystical realm, only two rules are followed. The two rules are as follows: Angry and hungry both end in -gry. What is the third word that ends in -gry! (SOLVED)
Hint: Everybody uses the third word.

8) (Note: This is not a riddle.) What two words end in -shion? (SOLVED)

9) What single syllable word can be changed into three syllables by adding only one letter? (SOLVED)

Comments (284)


It’s me! Poogue Camo! HOO-HAA

Comments (8)

Dusk of the Second Sun

Dusk of the Second Sun, by PoogueWee is now out as a very Rough Draft as a page.
If you have trouble finding the page, click here.

Comments (34)

I’m a Newcomer

Hello everyone! Thanks for letting me join this website! :)

Especially David for letting me have an account!

Comments (11)

The Tale of Michael Update

“The Tale of Michael” has been moved to a page (see the sidebar on the right hand side) instead of regular posts. In this way, we can save up front page space because the old way of releasing episodes cluttered up the other posts (the episodes were very long and took up a lot of space). Episode 4 has been released.

If you have trouble finding the page, click here.

On a side note, our comments have equaled our post number, and our 1000th hit occurred a while ago. More milestones…

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