Photoshop II

As the second session of Photoshop starts, now Level Two, I learn more and more. This time, they teach mostly masks and clippings, and I am amazed at the great amount of knowledge I have amassed during the class. The class was taught by the same teacher, same Final, and same grading. The students were different, though, as most were ones that weren’t in the first class.

For my final, I took pictures of fruits and added parts of the future counterparts, like tomatoes and ketchup. To make them blend better, I used layer masking using brushes and vector masking using a pen, to cover us some parts to make the images look believable. It was a very challenging, but fun process of putting together the images.

Tomato Ketchup

Tomatoes and Ketchup

Grapes and Wine

Grapes and Wine

Apple & Apple Pie

Apples and Pie


  1. X-Ray Yuhua said,

    July 30, 2009 @ 7:54 am

    Very imaginative pieces. If you send it to some magazines, they may publish them.

    By the way, it was not showing the images earlier, because you put the image url in wrong format. I corrected them from:

    Note the directory path separator should always be “/” in any web servers, and any Unix/Linux machines. Only Microsoft Windows uses “\” as path separator, and that is one of the reasons that Microsoft is not so good at Internet or Web stuff :)

  2. Poogue Master said,

    July 30, 2009 @ 12:36 pm

    Hey, the tomatoes and ketchup one is just like the Heinz commercial! :smile:

  3. Poogue Jim said,

    July 30, 2009 @ 7:12 pm

    That is soooooooo cool that you are that creative. Good Work!

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