12 years old!

I am finally 12 years old! After many months (12, to be exact) of being 11 years old and undergoing many ridiculations of people who stood tall above me, I now have the ability to grow into the 12-year-old stature and become a likeness of those who once I considered giants. And while they grow taller, as I, I will eat and exersize and sleep and do anything it takes to grow taller and bigger and stronger than those heedless monsteres towering above. Beware!

And certainly the wisdom and knowledge. With age comes wisdom, so I must be sure to read and learn and let my brain GROW and GROW just as fast as my body, so I will alter the annoying A-
’s and make them A’s. To do that, I must listen to the teacher and learn the homework and do whatever I can do, use my highest effort.

The particular day was important, too, because I only get have them for (1/365.25) of my life, and this one was quite a bit more special, mainly because of the fact that my grandparents came from all the way to CHINA to witness it. They added quite a punch to the spectacular day. I also watched a fantastic movie, one that attracted even more people than Harry Potter, G-FORCE. IT was a very happy and laughable day and the story will stay on this blog until the blog is closed, which I hope won’t ever be.

1 Comment »

  1. Poogue Jim said,

    August 6, 2009 @ 9:07 pm

    Happy birthday David. My birthday is very close to yours…August 25, 1995

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