Into the Darkness

Today the two groups have split up. One group consists of Julie, David, Cameron, and Tin, while the other had Kevin, Justin, and Sidudu.
The mini adventure of “Into the Darkness” are as follows:
Julie’s group:

Level 4 & 5 Dummies
Poison Wasp
Rock Snail
Smelly Rat
Kevin’s Group:

Level 1 & 2 Dummies
Poison Wasp
This mini adventure is drawing to a close, as both groups are in the same position, each with two battles left, the kitten, and Yulgar. Comments are always welcome.


  1. The X-Man Dawei said,

    January 28, 2006 @ 11:34 pm

    Why does Kevin’s team have weaker “stuff”?

  2. Poogue Master said,

    January 29, 2006 @ 9:37 am

    If you mean enemies, it’s because Julie’s group has 4 people, while Kevin’s group has only 3. And they’re not teams, they’re groups. The whole clan is your team.

  3. The X-Man Dawei said,

    January 30, 2006 @ 3:12 pm

    What’s “Malibu”??

  4. The X-Man Dawei said,

    January 30, 2006 @ 3:31 pm

    Another person visited our site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. The X-Man Dawei said,

    January 30, 2006 @ 3:32 pm

    Oh yeah, you mean poogues over here.
    If you mean enemies, it’s because Julie’s group has 4 PEOPLE, while Kevin’s group has only 3.

  6. Poogue Master said,

    January 30, 2006 @ 9:04 pm

    Malibu is a character shark.

  7. Poogue Master said,

    January 30, 2006 @ 9:05 pm

    I think it is my Core teacher, Mr. Riordan, because I gave him the address.

  8. The X-Man Dawei said,

    February 3, 2006 @ 9:41 pm

    What’s “core”??

  9. The X-Man Dawei said,

    February 9, 2006 @ 9:19 pm

    26 people visited our site!!

  10. Poogue Master said,

    February 10, 2006 @ 9:29 pm

    Core is a mixture of reading, writing, spelling, grammar, and social studies in one class. And you know, the hit counter just means that any page was visited 26 times. One person could have just been looking around the website and added a lot of hits.

  11. Poogue Master said,

    December 7, 2007 @ 10:13 pm

    Actually, nevermind the latter portion of that last comment. It seems that the hit counter only goes up by 1 for every computer that visits our site, and it never increases any further (no matter how many times they look) until the next day comes.

  12. Poogue Master said,

    December 13, 2007 @ 7:40 pm

    Okay, this comment is irrevelant, but it is information (it is about our battles in FM-RPG simulation when I was also in whites):

    David Xie VS. Dave Ke:
    After about three minutes of blocked kicks and punches, runaways, and duck-de-overs, David finally managed to put Dave to the ground with a mistake from Dave: to kick while David had his hands free. David scored 2 points and would later win the game. Grant bet 300FM on Dave, and Cameron bet 30, and they both lost. However, Julie bet 1FM and ended up with +2.

    Cameron Louie VS. Julie Zhang:
    This match was adjourned…

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