Keyboard Coding

Here are some codes for you to break:

Qgwew sus rgw qies oyeokw xinw dein?
Siwa awwubf ews nljw tiye gwler vwlr dlarwe ie akiqwe?
Qglr ua 37 ub nieaw xisw?
U lkqlta rwkk kuwa. sus U hyar rwkk rgw reyrg ie kuw?


Hint: Compare letters on the Keyboard.

Answer The Questions!!


  1. Poogue Master said,

    April 2, 2007 @ 1:38 pm

    Where did the word ‘Purpul’(?) come from?
    Does seeing red maki(?) your heart beat faster of(?) slower?
    What is 37 in morse code?
    I always tell lies. Did I just tell the truth of(?) lie?”

    I think that the riddle might be harder if you didn’t have the hint. Also, did you write this by shifting your starter fingers over to the right one? I can’t answer any of the questions, but I must say that the last question is another paradox ^_^ .

  2. Poogue Master said,

    November 21, 2007 @ 4:31 pm

    A quote from Wikipedia for the first question:

    “The word purple comes from the Middle English word purple which originates from the Latin purpura. This in turn is derived from the (Koine Greek: πορφύρα, porphura) name of the dye manufactured in Classical antiquity from the mucus-secretion of the hypobranchial gland of a marine snail known as the Murex brandaris or the spiny dye-murex.”

  3. Kelly Murrell said,

    February 7, 2008 @ 5:37 pm

    Hey Aaron,
    I’ve got some answers:
    Hello, Where did the word purple come from? (the some type of language for purpura)
    Does seeing red make your heart beat faster or slower? Slower
    What is 48 in morse code? I think dot, dot, dot, dot, dash, dash, dash, dash, dot, dot
    I always tell lies. Did I just tell the truth or lie? Lie.

  4. PoogueWee said,

    February 12, 2008 @ 4:41 pm

    What’s up Kelly!!!

  5. David said,

    February 15, 2008 @ 12:53 pm

    Here are the ANSWERS!!

    Where did the word PURPLE come from??
    It is derived from greek, which is a purple mucus from a sea snail.
    Does seeing red make your heart beat faster or slower?
    Faster . . . . …….
    What is !!46!! in Morse code??
    I always tell lies. Did I just tell the truth or lie?
    If I told the truth, then it would be true that I always tell a lie, but then I would be telling a lie that I always tell a lie which would mean Im telling the truth that I always tell lies…
    If I told a lie, then it would be a lie that I always tell lies which would make it be that i am telling the truth that I would always be telling lies…..

  6. Poogue Master said,

    February 15, 2008 @ 10:00 pm

    Can you please open the comments for “More Monsters” and “Itza More Riddles!”?

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