

-Ameribear; King and Ante founder, Spectural

-Butterfeen; Queen, Light_Heat

-Cirpie; President, Fire_Lava

-Doggly; Magician, Heat_Burn

-Dolpeeno; Head Knight, Water_Ice

-Uni; Knight #1, Earth_Mud

-Walrone; Knight #2, Sand_Rock_Boulder

-Spiderica; Warrior, Electron_Energy

-Urg; Founder, Dark_Cold


  1. Poogue Master said,

    January 30, 2006 @ 9:09 pm

    A warrior is basically a knight. Also, I think there are too many knights. Doggly cannot just be the only one using magic. I think that there should be a priest and maybe a paladin. These are just my thoughts so you do not have to edit this.

  2. Poogue Master said,

    September 13, 2007 @ 7:08 pm

    Some ideas for special abilities:

    Butterfeen: Can instantly melt the undead
    Uni: Can immobolize people using the earth
    Spiderica: Once a day she gets an energy boost to her power, defense, and speed
    Urg: Can create total darkness/he has darkvision

    Good luck, Team Oobareko!

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