Walnut Creek

There was a robot named DX 8597 who lived in the future. There were flying cars; no wars, no weapons, and the robots ruled the world. The B.R.A.I.N., or the Big Reddish Ample Inter-Robot Network controlled all of the robots. It was a big brain. Everyone lived happily, even the last surviving people (which is 1/300th of the population today). But little did they know that trouble was brewing.

There was a man called Joe. He worked at Häagen-Dazs and had a content life. He wasn’t rich, or poor. After all, a house, a wife, food, water and some extra money was all you needed, right? Who needs the fancy mansions and towers of money and gold and jewels and all the other stuff? Yes, he was living happily. But little did he know that trouble was brewing.

The B.R.A.I.N. needed a constant supply of water. Because of that, the Walnut Creek, the largest Creek ever, was dammed. There was a pipe leading to the B.R.A.I.N. from the bottom of the Creek. There were also many tubes to peoples’ and robots’ homes for their usage to keep the water level equal at the Creek.

One day, as Joe was looking around, he found this remote and asked other employees what it did. They all said ‘I don’t know, why don’t you try it?’ But Joe knew it might set off a bomb or some other thing as dangerous. So he asked the boss. Once the boss saw Joe with that remote in his hand he nearly fainted. “Now don’t you press the button” he said. “Or you’re fired! Oh, yeah, I couldn’t!”

All robots (except for DX 8597) had special super powers that specialize in a robotian element i.e., Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Space, Life, or Supernatural. DX 8597 had all the powers. He could make water come at his will. He could make a fire in space. He could direct an earthquake away from a town. He was literally unstoppable.

Joe was curious. Of what his boss meant and what the remote did. Half of his brain said push the button and the other half said don’t do it. Which one? He struggled taking his eyes off of it. Finally, he made up his decision. He would not push the remote. He locked it up in a drawer and bolted the drawer shut. That ought to make me forget about the button.

DX 8597 had many friends. One of them, SF 71097, was a member of the S.A.F.E., the Secret Agent Formal Enterprise and had sworn to never give out his identity or befriend a non-S.A.F.E. But she was evil. And she had a plan to destroy DX 8597.

One day, as Joe was trying his exclusive new Cinnamon Dulché de Leche ice cream, He needed to go to the bathroom. He went, and as he was, he felt a rectangular thing and didn’t remember it, now that he had forgotten about the remote. He patted the thing and then he did it. He had pressed the button.

SF 71097 had hosted a private party as a lure into a trap. At first, DX 8597 said he didn’t have time, and then SF 71097 pleaded so terribly that DX 8597 had to go. He flew to the house in light speed with his air and supernatural skills, but just as he was about to open the door, he heard a beeping sound he had ever heard before. He used his X-Ray vision and saw bombs! He immediately zoomed away and wasn’t ever SF 71097’s friend.

Joe was frozen in time. He stayed there for twenty centuries. Even the Fire Age of 13542-17001 didn’t melt him. But one day, DX 8597 found him and with his heat vision, DX 8597 de-froze Joe. With his life powers, DX 8597 brought Joe back to life.

SF 71097 turned on the brain now, and she put it under pressure, straining the brain and making it evil. “HEE HEE HAA HAA HOO HOO!! NOW, ALL THE ROBOTS MUST OBEY MY COMMANDS!! NOW, DESTROY THE PUNY LITTLE HUMANS!!”

They did as told. Only the Life and Supernatural robots withstanded the cry. The robots rampaged around and used their powers to destroy. Joe had an idea. “DX guy, you call all the supernatural and life robots! After you’re done come back here!” DX 8597 obeyed.

The robots came, and Joe seemed like the Boss. “First things First! Do any of you have elasticity?” A cry of ‘yes!’ came from supernatural. “Do any of you have regrow?” “Yes!” came from the Life. “Now! Get all the remaining evil robots in a group!” The robots scurried away. Only DX 8597 was left.

After a while, DX 8597 got a signal from the others. “They’ve got ‘em.” he said. DX 8597 flew away, with Joe clinging to his ankles.

They were there at the site. “Now, one of you, use elasticity with your arms to tie them all together!” “But we’ll have to pull off our arm!” “Exactly. Life robots will regrow it.” “Okay…”Very soon it was done, and Joe ordered them back to the B.R.A.I.N.

It seemed that only a button was pushed, the ‘turn evil’ button. That was soon altered. Everything was back to normal.

Life was like it used to be, and Joe got used to it. He found that Häagen Dazs was running even in the future; he got a job. He also became vice-vice-pres. of DX8597.

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