My Own Math Function

I was sitting around with nothing to do and a thought up of a math problem that would keep me busy: 5 by the power of 5 by the power of 5 by the power of 5 by the power of 5. So in short, it’s 5 by the power of 5 5 times. What would I call it? Igndgeration, igndgerate, and igndger (IGD-jer). It’s a # by the power of that # that # of times. So it’d be like 32 by the power of 32 32 times. Wondering the answer for my question? It’s 7.18212087483073508066162477348e+436. (Don’t be mad, but I used the computer Calculator.)

Oh yeah, on the math equation, it is the # with a square around it.

1 Comment »

  1. Poogue Master said,

    November 22, 2007 @ 12:44 pm

    So is it like this?
    (1 to 1st power) = 1
    (2 to 2nd power) (2 to 2nd power) = 4 * 4 = 16
    (3 to 3rd power) (3 to 3rd power) (3 to 3rd power) = 27*27*27 = 19683
    and so on?

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