Archive for X-Man

Gold in the chimney

There were two orphan girls and their parents, well, none knew. They liked exploring when one day, they found an evil witch’s house. The witch offered to keep them, and the girls were gullable. One girl was away at that time, so the first girl stayed in by herself. “Do any thing you want,” The witch had said, ” But DON’T LOOK UP THE CHIMNEY!”The girls were naughty also, so she looked up the chimney. “WOW!” she shouted, because there was a 59,810-ton bag of gold coins. she ran off to find her sister, when she came upon a magical horse. “Mmmoooollllkkkkkkkkkkmmmmmeeeeeee, liiiiiititttttttllllleeee giiggiirrll. IIIIIIIIIIIII hhhhhhhaaaafvvvveeennnnt bbbeeeeeeeennnnnmmmmmiiiillkkkeeddddd innnnnnn 01111294 yyeeearrsss” “I havn’t time!” the girl answered. Then she met a horse. “r-r-i-i-i-i-i–i-d—dd-d-d-de-e-e-e-e-e- -m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-me-e-e-e-ee—ee l-l-l-li–i-i-it-t-t-tl-l–l-le g-g-g-gg-g-g-g-g-g-g-gi-i-i-i-i–r-r-r-r-r-r-l-l-l–l-l-l!IIIIIIIIIIIII hhhhhhhaaaafvvvveeennnnt bbbeeeeeeeennnnnroooooodddeee innnnnnn 01111294 yyeeearrsss” “I havn’t time!” She answered. Then, she met a mill. “TUUUURRRRNNNNN MEEEEEEE, l-l-l-li–i-i-it-t-t-tl-l–l-le g-g-g-gg-g-g-g-g-g-g-gi-i-i-i-i–r-r-r-r-r-r-l-l-l–l-l-l!IIIIIIIIIIIII hhhhhhhaaaafvvvveeennnnt bbbeeeeeeeennnnn tttttuuuuuuurrrnnneeedddd innnnnnn 01111294 yyeeearrsss” “I havn’t time!” She answered. The witch saw her and turned her into stone. After that, she took the gold . The other girl came, and”Do any thing you want,” The witch had said, ” But DON’T LOOK UP THE CHIMNEY!” She loooked up and there was the gold. She also wanted to save her sister, so she came to search. She milked the cow, rode the horse and was just about to turn the mill when the witch saw her. she was so mad that she made a thundercloud and when it was just above her, she was about to turn the second girl into stone but she said the spell to early and turned the cumulonimbus into stone. It crashed on the witch’s head and instantly killed her. The second girl carried the stone girl and took her to a good wizard. He turnd the stone into a girl and agreed to live with the girls.



Poems about reading


Every time I read a book
a joyous world comes out.
Every time I read a book
it makes me want to shout!
Every time I read a book
fairy tale or fiction.
Every time I read a book
my brain takes a vacation!
–David Xie, 谢大维

Hello Mr. Book,
Let me take a look,
Inside your great pages.

Hello Mr. Page,
If you talk about wage,
You might be financial!
–David Xie, 谢大维


Facts about Kordrav

Full name : Kordrav Kordav Korav
Secret Identity : ********(it’s secret!)
Species : Kordranosteen Dvajon

Magic attacks : Superelectrical Disk, Freeze Ray, Protoplasm, Superspeed, and Hexagonalate.

Size : Head to tip of tail 658 Dm (dragish meters) or 1316 Mm ( markae meters),
Wing Span 89Dm 178 Mm,
Big toe 5Dm 10 Mm,
Toe 3Dm 6 Mm,
Leg 70Dm 140 Mm,
Thumb 7Dm 14 Mm,
Finger 8Dm 16 Mm,
Arm 60 Dm 120 Mm.

Age : 2,001 Years old
Birthdate : 5 A.D.

Pet : 1 Turquoniese Water Rattler, 3 Poranosic Daraganas, and 90 Filenusoisene Kamarosouts.

Favourite color : Turquoise
Favourite food : Roasted, then dragish-style fried potoes with mashed carrots. :) YUM!

Mother : Jnyerfrisz Csiolindalsever
Father : Klordiaestoon Korav

Veicle : Sky blue watlanair car with advanced temperature control and Heat-Coldness resistant engine.
Highest speed : 70195 mps

Special Items : Languifier 3000 ( translates languages, including imaginary ones)
and the newest, got in year 2006, the sound remover ( removes all sounds coming towards your ears)

Languages known : 中文, Russian, English, Drounguishian, Dragish, and Markaenian

Comments (41)

The Quangle Wangle Quee

On the top of the Crumpetty Tree
The Quangle Wangle sat,
But his face you could not see,
On account of his Beaver Hat.
For his Hat was a hundred and two feet wide,
With ribbons and bibbons on every side,
And bells, and buttons, and loops, and lace,
So that nobody ever could see the face
Of the Quangle Wangle Quee.

The Quangle Wangle said
To himself on the Crumpetty Tree, -
‘Jam; and jelly; and bread;
Are the best food for me!
But the longer I live on the Crumpetty Tree
The plainer than ever it seems to me
That very few people come this way,
And that life on the whole is far from gay!’
Said the Quangle Wangle Quee.

But there came to the Crumpetty Tree,
Mr and Mrs Canary;
And they said, - ‘Did you ever see
Any spot so charmingly airy?
May we build a nest on your lovely Hat?
Mr Quangle Wangle, grant us that!
O please let us come and build a nest
Of whatever material suits you best,
Mr Quangle Wangle Quee!’
And besides, to the Crumpetty Tree
Came the Stork, the Duck, and the Owl;
The Snail, and the Bumble-Bee,
The Frog, and the Fimble Fowl;
(The Fimble Fowl, with a Corkscrew leg;)
And all of them said, - ‘We humbly beg
We may build our homes on your lovely Hat, -
Mr Quangle Wangle, grant us that!
Mr Quangle Wangle Quee!’

And the Golden Grouse came there,
And the Pobble who has no toes, -
And the small Olympian bear, -
And the Dong with a luminous Nose.
And the Blue Baboon, who played the Flute, -
And the Orient Calf from the Land of Tute, -
And the Attery Squash, and the Bisky Bat, -
All came and built on the lovely Hat
Of the Quangle Wangle Quee.

And the Quangle Wangle said
To himself on the Crumpetty Tree, -
‘When all these creatures move
What a wonderful noise there’ll be!’
And at night by the light of the Mulberry moon
They danced to the Flute of the Blue Baboon,
On the broad green leaves of the Crumpetty Tree,
And all were as happy as happy could be,
With the Quangle Wangle Quee.


The Pied Piper of Hamelin

Hamelin Town’s in Brunswick,
By famous Hanover city;
The river Weser, Deep and wide,
Washes its walls on the southern side;
A pleasanter spot you never spied:
But, when begins my ditty,
Almost 500 years ago,
To see the townsfolk suffer so,
From vermin, Was a pity.

They fought the dogs and killed the cats,
And bit the babies in their cradles,
And ate the cheeses out of dthe vats,
And liked the soup from the
Cooks’ own ladles,

Split open the kegs of salted sprats,
Made nests inside mens’ sunday hats,
And even spoiled the womens’ chats,
By drowning their speaking
With shreiking and squeaking
In 50 different shaps and flats.

At last the people in a body
To the Town Hall came
“‘Tis clear”cried they
“our mayor’s a noddy;
And us for our Corporation-


The markaenian zodiac

369000000963696396963 marears ago, years passed by randomly. 写到唯, the ruler, wanted to get the years “ordered”. He would choose animals. Every animal wanted to be in the zodiac, and he didn’t know which to choose! He only wanted 13 in the zodiac, at most. he thought and he thought. Finally, he got an idea. He would have a race to cross the Marcific Ocean. They could go in air, water surface, or in water. There were rules, though. Every single animal boasted that they could be in the zodiac. “Nu olude teer de jhoulou. I could beat the nyuku.” Said A urinvalinoc. “Jhv! Nu~ll teer kou! Ha! I’ll beat you!” Shouted a pqueramon. “Nu~p rhvpru dajh llnur wmeer! I’m faster than light speed!” Yelled a bawk. The ruler was very angry. He shouted,” Khep uvp wlll tee jhellde deouho. This race will be held tommorow.” Vr?!”"oueewm” said 写到唯. “You must exersize TODAY AND TOMOROW MORNING.That’s it!”" Vr?!”The markaenians said again. “Nu oudle jur thvr. I could not do that.” said a roquera. The next day, at 8:901:970A.M.M, the race started. They all swam as fast as they could. While the kukukokuko was sitting on the urinvalinoc’s back, Mr. kukukokuko easily got first. The urinvalinoc didn’t see the little bawk flying above him, so the urinvalinoc got third and the bawk got second. Just as the one after the urinvalinoc, the nyuku, swiming like crazy, up popped the pqueramon and got fourth. The nyuku was still struggling when pqpquoerong, gooslinsoand, and roquera passed him. After the 3 passed him he was 8th.They quickly got to the charts. One by one, the markaenians came. Some swam, some flied, and some jumped. Here’s the list:

1.kukukokuko Rode
2.bawk Flew
3.urinvalinoc Swam
4.pqueramon Dug
5.pqpquoerong Flew
6.gooslinsoand Rode
7.roquera Jumped
8.nyuku Paddled
9.kilolpqueran Flew
10.rumoxuezing Swam
11.pweppeerotmvjd Flew-Swam
12.uioaecbfrg Paddled
13.jin金jin金jin Jumped-Almost drowned, waves washed

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An Excuse

“Jaraoona Korio! Why are you so late for school?!?”
Asked Mrs. Hookalena
“I am sorry I am late for school
And forgot my homework.”
I said.
“I was doing homework
When a manaconda
Started sliding up my side.
I ran down the stairs
And found me by
45 savage trolls.
They wanted to eat me
As a gourmet meal,
But I was too swift for them.
I ran with all my might and I
Forgot where I was going.
I fell into quickmarand
When an eagle saved my life.
But it brought me to Markarctica
When a Malizzard
Made me sneeze.
He dropped me
And I fell onto wet ice.
I managed to grab hold of
A speedy narwhal,
But 35 unidentified swimming objects
Shot Mullets at him
And he flung me to
I figured I could
Jump really high and
Shot myself back to earth.
It was a frightening
Experience and I landed somehow in China
Where I found a
I rocketed back to San Diego
And I felt very hungry
So I went to McDonald’s
And ordered an 80 pc.
Chicken fries.
I was bloated and I
Bounced back to
Los Mangeles.
I visited my friend
Saloooganret Hakaladafa.
I found a rocket and zoomed
To a place called Markhawk
There was a mar.
I rode on it and came to school
Right here.
Right here.
I know I am very late and I notice there is only
45 marcends of school.”
“Very well”
said my teacher.
I will have to talk to your parents
About this.”

David Xie, 2006.02.17

The End


The platinum touch

I just happened to see Mr. Longneck Jr. walking down the road. I asked him if he could tell me a story, or a legend. Well, he first listed all the stories he knew. “The rekoned redhead, Uni and the knight, the story of Ipep and Niddhoggr, and the platinum touch…” I wanted to hear a magical story so I asked for “The platinum touch”.

“Well”, he began, ” There once was a greedy king named King Platinumonio. He simply adored Platinum. And he loved being king because his crowns are made of platinum! When he was small, he liked music and flowers. But now, when he heard music, he heard platinum coins hitting each other. And when he looked at flowers, he imagined platinum baubles. And if there was something he liked better it was his daughter, Platinumessica. Platinumessica loved the royal pets, a platinum retriver, a snowy owl, a platinumfish, a platinum finch, and the cat, Platinumlocks. Once he woke up, after breakfast, he would play with Platinumessica for about 3 hours. Then he would go to the basement, where all his treasures were. There was a white apple, platinum trophies, platinum wands, platinum-covered plants, and millons upon millons of others. (I am NOT exaggerating.)

One day, as he looked into his platinum trophy, looking at his funny reflection and saying, ‘How happy am I!’ As he was going on to say ‘The wonderful life of King Platinumonio!’

He did not even say 3 words when a stranger said, ‘ Are you really happy?; I could grant you one wish.’ The king looked back to reveal a man with a large, thin, agony cape.

‘Are you?’ the man repeated. ” The man was too suprised to speak. “Yo do floccinaucinihilipipification.”

The king gathered his strength. “What?” He asked. “You do floccinokihilipifipication.” The man repeated. ” Yo useless cause you ain’t talkin’.” ” O.K. Enough jabbering. now I want…” He thought of the stories he had read, knowing not to be foolish.

“I am very bored at trying to gain platinum. I wish that everything I touched was platinum!”

“Well then,” said the stranger. ” Yo’ll find yo pow’r when first lite breaks through yo window.” With a blinding FLASH!! and BANG!! the stranger disappeared.

That night, he couldn’t sleep. He was too exited. The next morning, he (somehow) woke up. He noticed that his sheets had been turned into platinum thread! His alarm was ringing he turned it off, and it became platinum! He came down to eat breakfast. He held a hot potato. It became nice, hot PLATINUM LUMP! He tried some tea. It changed into Molten platinum!!

“Bleeccchh!!!” He yelled. Platinumlocks brushed his feet. It was solid platinum. Platinumlocks ran to him. She wanted to hug him and say “HELLO!” But when she was on the O! she turned into platinum.

The man appeared, for the second time. He samiled. “ARE YOU HAPPY NOW ?!?!”

He boomed. “No!No!Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!! I have made a mistake. Can you reverse the spell?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!”

“Yes, If you follow these directions. You have to punch them to reverse the spell.” He eventually punched them and, after crying 973 cm of tears, they lived happily ever after.

Now whenever King Platinumonio sees platinum, he gets a huge stomachache. Then he loved gold and changed the people’s and animal’s names.

There was his daughter, Marigold. He painted the Platinumfish gold, and it became a goldfish, while he painted the dog, became a golden retreiver, painted the bird, became a goldfinch, and painted the cat.The cat HATED paint so… you get the idea. Well, the cat’s name is now Goldilocks.

Disclaimer: This story is adapted from The Golden Touch.

The End

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The magic rock

Let’s just say that we are in the land of English-speaking animals.

Well, as Mr. Tallhead J. Longneck Jr. was striding across the ground, he saw a rock. He loved collecting rocks, but he had never seen one like this. It was red, round, smooth, it almost looked like a marble. But it wasn’t. He didn’t know why, but Mr.Tallhead just had a thought. It wasn’t a marble.

It started to rain, so he knew it was time for supper. He murmured “I wish it stopped raining.” It stopped. It didn’t even have time to evaporate. The falling raindrops dissapeared, the clouds were gone, and it seemed like the rain didn’t exist. He now knew that this was a wishing rock, but not that sure. He tried again. He wished ” I wish there was 2 others of these!” he shouted. In his hand, he held 3 magic rocks. One for Ma, other for Pa, and the last for himself. He was very confident.

As he was going home, he wandered to the legendary harmonicaberry and largerberry hill. There he saw a liger blocking his way. He would die of hunger or be prey. The liger pouced on poor Tallhead Jr. and right before he bit Tallhead, Tallhead helplessly said, ” I wish I was a rock.” Mr. Liger bit the rock and broke his canines. He ran away and never went to the hill again. Without Liger, this is called Pleasant Hill.

From 1238 to 1240, there Longneck sat. He kept on trying o wish to be a giraffe again, but he wasn’t touching the rock. It just happend when his parents came walking by. They wanted to have a picnic. They found the rock, and, sadly sitting ate on Longneck Jr.! They saw the pebbles and placed them on the “rock”. This was Tallhead’s chance. He thought ” I wish I was a giraffe.” Instantly, he became a giraffe. The pans on him were falling, but the parents didn’t care. They were too overjoyed to notice.

David Xie, 2006.02.08.

Note: the liger is not a typo. It is a new type of animal (found around year 2002, I am not exactly sure about the time). It is lion-like tiger, or the in-between of a tiger and a lion.

Disclaimer: This is my original story !

The End

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-Ameribear; King and Ante founder, Spectural

-Butterfeen; Queen, Light_Heat

-Cirpie; President, Fire_Lava

-Doggly; Magician, Heat_Burn

-Dolpeeno; Head Knight, Water_Ice

-Uni; Knight #1, Earth_Mud

-Walrone; Knight #2, Sand_Rock_Boulder

-Spiderica; Warrior, Electron_Energy

-Urg; Founder, Dark_Cold

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