Archive for January, 2006

Riddles, Jokes, and -.–. -.-.


1. Jack leaves at a steady speed of 60 mph. Jill leaves at a steady speed of 30 mph. Jack left the same time as Jill. In 10 minutes, they pass each other.

How far is the distance beween Jack and Jill when they started?

2. One who makes it does not tell it,

One who uses it does not recognize it,

One who recogizes it wants it not.

3. Little, Little, horsey runs so fast.

The more he runs, the smaller his tail.

4. A bus driver goes past a stop sign without stopping,
left turns when there is a NO LEFT TURN sign,
and keeps on going on a red light.

He did not break a single law.

What is going on?

5. The user does not see it,
The maker does not use it,
And the buyer does not want it.

6. It always runs but NEVER walks, has a mouth but NEVER talks.


7. What goes up and down but never moves?


8. A man gives one of his sons 10 cents and the other, 15.

What time is it?


9. What has four legs but only one foot?

10. A woman shoots her husband,
Puts him under water for over five minutes,
Hangs him,
And in a few moments, She has a wonderful feast with her husband.

What is going on?

11.What goes through a door without pinching itself?
What sits on fire and and does not hurt itself?
What sits on the table and is not ashamed?
12. This is an unusual paragraph, You might think that this is plain, but is actually isn’t! Not that I am trying to trick you, but for 1 thing, this is 1 thing that you have to think about, You also might think that this is just a orinary paragraph, And it’s true! now you can think about it. ;) :P .,

13. There is 1 word in the english language that is always pronouced incorrectly. What is it??

14. There are 2 buckets that someone left full of water. You drop a rock into 1 of the buckets of water, which is 45 degrees F. At the same time, I drop another rock, exactly the same, into another bucket which is 30 degrees F. Which would hit the bottom first?

15. How long can a dog run into the woods?

J1. Why did the rubber chicken cross the basketball court?

J2. How did the boy get egyptian flu?


J3. why do ghosts don’t like water?

J4. What is a scarecrow’s favourite fruit?

J5. What can you catch, but cannot throw?


Man #1: Did you hear about Frankenstien making the door that you can see through?
Man #2: What is it?
Man #1: A window!


Gramdma: Do you know what the shortest sentence in the English language is? It’s “I am”. Impressed?
Boy: I’m.


Car driving Instructor: When any bad thing happens, put on the brakes.
Teenager: I thought they were built-in!

Do you know morse code???
( If not, go to the hints)

do you know what any of these mean?
M1. - . - - .
M2. - - . -
M3. - . - . - .
M4. - .
M5. - . - -
M6. - . - . - - . - . - - . - . - . .- - . - . - - . . - . - . - . . . -
hint: -=consanent

M1M =+~= ==+==
M2M =+=^ +==+==+=+==
M3M =+ ^+= ==+^ ==+==~
M4M =+===+ ==+=
hint: ==consanent

Please place your answers in the “Comments” section WITH THE NUMBER OR ELSE I WILL NOT KNOW WHICH IT IS!! (and mark it wrong :( )

There will be new Jokes , Riddles, -.–. -.-., and soon!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


Comments (10)

Chistmas Eve

On window panes, the icy frost
Leaves feathered patterns, crissed & crossed,
But in our house the Christmas Tree,
Is decorated festively,
With tiny dots of colored light,
That cozy up this winter night,
Christmas songs, familiar, slow,
Plays softly on the radio,
Pops & hisses from the fire,
Whistle with the bells and choir,
Emily’s now fast asleep,
On her back and dreamin’ deep,
When the fire makes her hot,
She turns to warm whatever’s not,
Propped agaist me on the rug,
I give her a gentle hug,
Tommorow’s what I’m waiting for,
But I can wait a little more.


The Battle for the Stars

As Kordrav was having a good time as leader, he was also very rich. His house had 11 full bathrooms, 12 bedrooms, a kitchen and servants.(No wonder so many bathrooms and bedrooms!) One day, while he was swimming, his messenger had worrying news. Juperipets were invading Markae and heading their way! Kordrav immediately sent his 9,876,543,210 soldiers and 321 mages. He sent paladins in moracopters(Dragish helicopters) for healing.

The next day the fight began. There were centaurs and lawmakers, men and women. There were spirits of crabs , trees, and birds. There was almost every imaginary creature you could think of . The war started just before sundown, and there was only 98,754,319 juperipets. Most were awkward looking, 3 legged, had really ovalish heads and no arms. They were all robots. To defeat the juperipets, they (The dragish army) had to hit a button on their backs to realease their life outlets; they also had to cut the veins connecting the robotic rover. In an hour, the juperipets’ population was 10,975,310. The Dragish population was 976,543,210.In the end, the juperipets surrendered :) and ran away. As then, the dragishs’ souls have risen into space and are considered constellations.

Comments (1)

Visiting Exploratorium

We visited the Exploratorium on New Year’s day. This is our second visit because David (and all of us) liked it so much - it has all types of hand-on experiments built to reveal the wonder of nature and the secret of human perception.

The Exploratorium website also has a lot of interesting information and scientific demonstrations.

Standing nearby is the magnificant structure of The Palace of Fine Arts.


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